
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week 8: #19 Zoho

This could be good. Although I haven't needed to create a document when I've been away from home or work, you just never know. Word processing is one of the absolute best work programs for those of us who were never very good typists. Spell check, grammar check, cut and paste, oh my!!!!! Now there are emoticons! Although I have never used one in my entire life and I usually want to smash smiley faces. Who knows - I could feel the need to be cute! I do use exclamation points a lot. One of the staff says that is a sign of an unstable mind. I wonder what she knows?

Wow! This was easy to post to the blog. If I can only remember all my logins and passwords as there are now so many. Good thing I've saved most of them in my email. I think there is a program my husband uses that lists all his logons and passwords. I'm going to have to find out what it is.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week 8: #18

Well, I was ginning along pretty good, although I got a late start due to Black Thursday - Sunday, Bloody Sunday - and then the link to the Newsweek article was a bust. Did find it through Masterfile, so I've pulled it for the rest of the staff. Still haven't read it myself. I've had others send me links that by the time I opened it, the article wasn't there. That's a bit disconcerting.
Regarding the various social networking sites, don't think I am the type to have a Facebook, or MySpace account. Would require too much work on my part, for something that I could care less about. I did like that Ning has a crime writers group - that was interesting reading some of their conversations. Yahoo Groups has been used by committees to set up a members' page and can certainly see the benefit of that. The ease with having conversations and keeping them going would be most beneficial. Not having to meet in person - keeping abreast of news among members would be even better.
Are these all just expanded blogs? Xanga certainly looked bloggish to me.
Loved the Rate my space - this looks like the sites I go to on and look at decorating tips or gardening. Not that I actually can translate any of this into my own house/garden/life. But I like looking.
The last three are not my thing - would rather look through Rate My Space. Do see how there are sites for just about any taste out there; but now can't really tell the difference between blogs and some of these social networking sites.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

week 7: 17+

Oh. My. God.
I thought I had done this one right and then I overheard one of the staff, working with another staff member, that we were supposed to go to one of the blogs and then click on the "comment" below to make a comment on that particular post! And there I had viewed several blogs and commented on them in my blog. I just didn't get it!!!!

I'm afraid there's a lot of this experience that is just like this! The future looks bleak without my fellow staff members to interpret for me.

Oh, woe! I'm doomed!

week 7: # 17

Today's Dilbert says it all!!!!! will give you the perfect cartoon for how we feel after such an intensive learning process!
And to top it off, my husband must use the cell phone provided by his company because of email, yada, yada, yada! He is a true techie - in that he wants and likes all gadgets. The handout from the Gadgets and Gizmos workshop sent him into the stratosphere with so many new gadgets coming out and websites to explore. And I sent him the Del.i.cious site, so he can set up his own with his bookmarks. So, making a long story short, I now have an iphone. That was the closest he could come to having one of his own.
I'm at work trying to learn 23 things and at home, trying to figure out how to use a new cell phone, email, ipod, camera, and who knows what else. ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH! I have no life that doesn't involve the Internet. I believe my head could explode with the next technological factoid!
On the brighter side, my sons are fighting over my old phone, a Blackberry Pearl. I finally have some leverage!
Regarding other's posts - I am enjoying the "look" of other's blogs; I like how they use different templates (libraries are cool), different colors for fonts (macandcheesemaniac) and different placement of graphics (flipfloplibrarian). It does make you want to experiment.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Week 7: # 16 Wikis

Wikis I've done - in Wikipedia and in the "Harriet" wiki to request copies and flyers and such. It certainly is working in the copy request format we have at HCPL. I logged in and added my blog to the ihcpl wiki. While it is nice that there are favorite books and movie wikis, we have the book and movie reviews on the HCPL website. At what point do we say we've left our mark in enough places?
I can certainly see how a "community" wiki would be a nice thing to have; e.g. a wiki in our area that would list the sports organizations with updated information on registration times, ages, schedules. How nice that would be for all parents with kids who participate in various sports. I can see many applications for a wiki. However, I can also see how there would have to be someone who is ultimately in charge, in order to keep it focused and accurate. We've all heard about Wikipedia and the mis-information that is posted - did I happen to read it before it was corrected? Or was I one of the unfortunate ones who accessed it when it had incorrect data.
I think this is another one of those times when it needs to be stressed that the information is only as good as who/what posts it; look for authority if using the information for something that needs to be verified and accurate - as in, does your grade depend on the information being accurate - always double check. Otherwise, wiki away!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week 6: # 15

When I saw the word Iceberg, I immediately thought of stationary librarians. - those who don't move - sit and wait for someone to come to them. I must say that with HCPL's circulation growing it feels good that we must be doing a lot of things right to have an increasing circulation in this time of decreasing stats. Surely the Internet and new "media" we all are adding to our "collections" have contributed to that increase. We lure people into the library and overwhelm them with all the good stuff we have to offer.
Cooperation, both within and without a system, has been one of the best things that has happened to libraries. No one looks back fondly on the old way of filling holds - or if they do, one should have them checked out for their sanity is definitely in question. And how great it is to see if something is available to be lent from another system. What a great way to deal with shrinking budgets when your customer base is definitely not shrinking.
Databases - how wonderful they are! We look forward to the time more of the older materials will be offered online. Those working on history projects cry out for materials from our earlier times. And when will all databases be available remotely? While we love to have customers come in, sometimes it just isn't practical - it was one of the better days when I found out my kids could look up their homework (that magazine article on a science topic - one a week for a whole semester) after the library had closed.
Libraries have certainly come a long way, baby! But it is nice to know that there are still many who enjoy coming in and reading a good book or magazine and visiting with like-minded people.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007



Just playing

I'm now just playing with this post to see if what I type appears in the font I selected in my settings, even though it is not in that font as I type.


May have figured out how to select the font from the beginning of a post.

Week 6: # 14 +

Was successful in "claiming" my blog on Technorati. (Wish I could be as successful about selecting the font for my blog at the beginning of a post rather than typing it, selecting the text and then changing the font.)
Regarding Technorati, when performing an advanced search (Learning 2.0) in keywords, I saw a post by Mystery Lady - an HCPL blogger. I did not see that post in either of the other 2 searches. In searching by tags - the results also have sections for videos and photos. In searching by blog directory, every result seems to be a "favorite". They all indicated "Authority positions".

Week 6: #14 Technorati

Trying to claim my blog in Technorati, keep having an error. May not work.
Technorati Profile

Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 6: #13

Never did get to see the video on, but I did get an account created and all my bookmarks exported to it. Just not sure how to share it, but I'm thinking about that first. I would like it to show more postings on one page, but not sure if that can be changed - I didn't see it in settings. I'll have to play with this more.
This will be good when I work at other branches and want to see my bookmarks. I would like to see if there is a way to share some, but not all.

Week 6: #13 podcast

Something must be wrong with the podcast/video for as I only get about 30 seconds of the video. I've tried it about 5 times during the last 15 minutes and I only get the introduction. I'll try again later.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Avatar revisited

I worked on the Yahoo avatar last week but couldn't figure out how to get it onto my blog. Finally broke down and played with Meez and created an avatar that I could upload. I went to my yahoo email this morning and there was my avatar from Yahoo. And I hadn't done anything but create it while trying to do this week's exercise. It's a miracle - or perhaps shows how the net is all connected. Da da dah!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 5: #12

See Week 2: # 4. Will delete this as soon as this exercise is over. Created a new card just for this exercise, which will be deleted as soon as this project is done. Has anyone watched the news lately? Doesn't Horizon already notify us about Holds and Overdues?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week 5: # 11++

Library Thing finally got widgeted to my blog, through guidance from Jeff, who is conversant with this media. Although Library Thing itself is good.

Week 5: #11+

I added a clock "widget" but didn't go back to Library Thing to see if I could widget something from there. That will be another day.

Week 5: # 11 Library Thing
Wasn't sure how to get a link to Library Thing onto this blog than to cut and paste. When I tried to "blog" it didn't let me get to my blog - it just wanted me to blog on that site. I didn't want to.
I can see where this site will be good for reader's advisory. A good site to refer customers too.

Week 5: # 10 again

Well, I finallly got something posted to my blog. I couldn't get my Yahoo Avatar to appear on my blog and the imagegenerator, while fun to create would never post to the blog. I'm not going back again. This one is done. It was fun and easy to do. Should have just gone right to this one, but wanted to try others. Shouldn't have done that. Now on to the next exercise.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 5: #10 ImageShack

I've tried posting this more than 5 times and the login has failed each time - internal server error. I have no patience for this - it is not fun enough. I've now tried copying and pasting the picture. Didn't work. The new title of this post should read ARRRRRRRGH! I'm done for today. I have to get to work.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Back tracking to Pixer

Several on staff are finishing up last week's assignment and they are having real problems getting Flickr to either upload their photo (it did it just fine on their first assignments last week) or, once they are uploaded and Pixered, the photo disappears the moment they try to "apply" the changes. I can't help with that - beyond me.

Week 4: # 8 & 9

Just realized that I had not finished # 8. Was supposed to add ihcpl participants blogs to my bloglines and could not figure out what that meant. Beth is on my speed dial (if I could set up speed dial she would be on it is a more truthful statement). At this branch, we have all bonded through these exercises. I successfully added HCPL staff blogs to my bloglines and have more than plenty to read.
# 9 was easy to do, I added my guilty pleasure - Page Six - going directly to the website. I have that bookmarked at home, so will probably continue to read it there, in the dark of night. I added USA Today Sports Headlines (have a house full of men - they've turned me to the dark side - another guilty pleasure).

Monday, October 1, 2007

Week 4: # 8 RSS feeds

Pretty easy to subscribe. Get NYT headlines already on email and have "Google Alerts" (similar, but different) for years to keep up with son in college. Would like for it to send exact comic (not link to) so my mother could get it - she cannot do links. Maybe in the future.