
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

# 30 - Take a load off drives!

OK; here is where we really need to concentrate. KW is not full of techies; they've not all embraced technology (we're a branch full of Neo-Luddites). So, thankfully we don't have a lot of pictures, large files, etc. to clean up. What we do have are duplicate files - in our zeal to organize we may have 3 files: 1, the original document, 2, the document placed into a folder and 3, that same document placed in the newly created folder that is more precise. That is our challenge. Unfortunately, this is where differences in learning styles, thinking processes, etc. come into play. Where one person may think to look for a document is so totally out of sync with where another person thinks to look. And that type of problem does not go away. Like I said - it's a challenge!

#28 - Spring Cleaning & # 29 - Email

I did enjoy the readings. They validated my feelings on "touching things once". Where I fall apart is in the booklists that I want to go back to look at. I should just delete them if I can't get to them at the time. It was nice to see a method to apply to this "take care of it NOW!"
I keep my trash cleaned out; I use the sent folder as a quick glance to see if my questions have been answered, and then they are sent to trash. I can't live without my folders. But I have gone back in those folders to see what is now found in policy online, where once it wasn't; was it for a program, version, etc. HCPL no longer has; it is just plain out-of-date. That was an eye-opener. I saw names I haven't thought of in years. I just didn't realize we have had email this long.