
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Week 9 # 22 Overdrive

I have an Overdrive account and have downloaded books and language programs. My problem is that my WMA device is not recognized by Overdrive, so I don't use it as much as I could. I did download onto CDs some language programs when we thought William would be going to Germany. It is really an excellent addition to the library's offerings as more people are requesting books in audio format. They use them in commuting, exercising, working around the house, and in many other ways. The demand for this format will only grow.

I tried LibriVox and, of course, the major difference is that the items available are in the public domain, while most items requested are best sellers or older titles by current authors. There are some classics available from Overdrive that are also found on LibriVox.

WOWIO, a Houston based company, has more current items available, although I didn't see the popular authors, such as Nora Roberts, John Grisham, etc. Although it wasn't easy to search as you couldn't specify an author search. Many of the titles seemed to be non-fiction. I wonder how much of the fiction is originally published on the web? I didn't like this as well, but perhaps I didn't give it enough of an effort.

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